News and Newsletters

These are some of the minor and major changes to the site.

Recent changes

  • 2024-07-01
  • Fixed a bug where the default private/public would sometimes not set the correct default when writing new entries.
  • 2024-06-29
  • Improved the drafts system a little bit. It can be wonky sometimes with duplicate entries, and it will be changed so it's more usable.
  • 2023-11-11
  • Improved the comment system somewhat. Comments tagged as deleted are permanently removed after an hour or so.
  • Under "My entries", tags in entries are now displayed as links that go to a search for the same tag. This should make tags a bit more useful.
  • 2023-11-09
  • Comments are now open to all. It's still not "finished", but we're getting there.
  • 2023-10-16
  • Lots of minor code improvements, and it's now possible to reply to comments. But not to reply to replies (yet). I need to settle on a max depth or a "see more replies" link thing.
  • 2023-09-01
  • Comments are now being beta-tested. For now, it's only available to subscribers. The comments-database will be wiped now and then as it's developed further.
  • Some notes about planning:
    - it will become an option to set this per entry
    - you will be able to moderate/delete/block comments
    - some sorting
    - maybe upvotes/downvotes on the comments

    Let me know what you think.

  • 2023-08-28
  • There were some database issues the past few days, and I had to upgrade the database server. Everyone can help by donating or subscribing to keep all of this from coming out of my own pocket.
  • 2023-08-20
  • Updated the account page a bit, to show the accounts being blocked. This is also in preperation for public comments/feedback on public entries. That's still in the planning stage, though.
  • 2023-05-18
  • In light of the recent issues, if income doesn't increase, there will be placed limits for non-subscribers, such as number of allowed entries or similar. If you enjoy the site and are able, please subscribe or donate.
  • The remaining required funds for the site this month is: $1021
  • 2023-05-14
  • The site has experienced some slowness when it comes to diary entry lookups. The cause is simply that the website needs better hardware. Unfortunately, the income of the site doesn't support it. Until more people subscribe or donate and the site starts making more money, these issues might continue to pop up now and then.
  • 2021-10-10
  • Updated the light mode somewhat.
  • 2021-07-31
  • Changed the language select dropdown to include the browser specified languages on the top.
  • 2021-04-24
  • Slowly rolling out and testing header images for diary entries. This will, at least for now, only be available to subscribers. This function might get changed or removed at any time.
  • 2021-01-25
  • Added an option to restrict incoming messages. This will simply hide the message buttons from the public profile and entries.
  • Also added a "Report" button on public entries. This will open a report form, to send a notification to admins to review this entry. This is really preparation for another bigger change that's coming "soon".
  • 2020-12-25
  • Further updated the messages layout. It would be good with some feedback on what people think about it!
  • 2020-12-15
  • Changed the messages layout a bit, with a darker background for the message text.
  • 2020-12-07
  • Backups should be quite a bit quicker now.
  • 2020-12-04
  • More changes to the backup function. For diaries with a lot of entries, the backups will now be queued, and run in the background. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes at most, but at least now you don't have to stay on the page and wait for it to finish. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.
  • 2020-11-28
  • Updated the backup function. It would previously sometimes run into issues when there were very many entries (thousands). This should now be sorted. Let me know if there are any issues.
  • 2020-11-23
  • Testing toggling the entry list in the public diary section. It should speed up loading a bit.
  • 2020-11-21
  • Added a selector box for adult content on the the public diaries page.

    This is to make it a bit more friendly for a younger audience, and search engines. Let me know what you think.

    For now, content is tagged by the system, but a user-controlled selector for it will be added too, in the near future.

  • 2020-11-06
  • If you have more than one conversation with a user, you'll now see a link in the message conversation window.
  • 2020-11-04
  • After some hickups after the upgrade, everything should be fixed.
  • Updated the page for editing entries.
  • Changed the encryption for the "stay logged in" values, and reset them.
  • 2020-11-02
  • The main webserver was upgraded, and the system should be stable again.
  • 2020-11-02
  • Emojis and such should now work again in profile descriptions too
  • 2020-10-28
  • Added a search box to the translations page. You'll see it if you're an editor for another language.
  • 2020-10-22
  • Updated the public entry listing page. You can now see the diaries you are following there.
  • 2020-10-21
  • The user information (usernames, diary names, profile description) has now been converted to full UTF8. As a result, some garbling of data is to be expected. Just update it as needed, and let me know if there are any issues.
  • 2020-10-09
  • The backup files will now show the time in the correct timezone too.
  • 2020-10-08
  • Entry filenames in the backup now contain a filtered version of the entry title, so it's easier to browse through.
  • It will now also show the time in the correct timezone.
  • Thanks for the suggestion, Graham!
  • 2020-10-05
  • Updated the user history page to make it more mobile friendly. Also added some location data, which may or may not be accurate.
  • Changed the way the entry count is being counted and updated. It should speed up things a bit.
  • 2020-10-02
  • Revamped the lookup and write entry pages. Playing a bit with a new date picker. It can be toggled with the refresh-icon.
  • 2020-09-23
  • Added an option in login, to stay logged in. This will set a cookie to keep you logged in until you press the logout button, or until the cookie expires.
  • 2020-09-19
  • PWA install. Added a button for installing the site as a progressive web app. It can be seen as a button down in the footer, if your browser supports it. More information here. Basically, it lets the website be on your homescreen as an app, and makes the site faster/better.
  • 2020-09-18
  • Push nofications improved.
  • The new-message counter should be updating more reliably now.
  • 2020-09-12
  • Various code cleanup. Improved the entry search.
  • 2020-03-21
  • New feature: hashtags. You can now include hashtags in the entries or the hashtag-field when writing or editing an entry.
  • 2020-02-07
  • New feature: Public mixed diary. Now it's possible to have mixed private and public entries. You can find the setting under account. This is still in the testing phase, and for now, this feature will only be available to subscribers.
  • 2020-02-04
  • The "Printable version" link from the view entry page should now be displaying the entries more suitable for printing, again.